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Successful Companies That Outsourced Development

Outsourcing development is a game-changer for companies, providing access to top talent and new technologies without high in-house costs. IT staff augmentation is a key strategy for quickly and efficiently scaling technical abilities.

Vanguard-X leads in this field with top-notch IT staff augmentation services.

Ascential: Transforming Data Visualization

Successful Companies That Outsourced Development

Ascential, based in the US, operates in the information services industry. They specialize in delivering top-notch information, analytics, events, and eCommerce optimization to the world’s leading consumer brands.

Their services span across digital commerce, product design, marketing, and retail & financial services. To support their complex needs, Ascential turned to Vanguard-X for IT staff augmentation services, leveraging technologies such as QA Automation, React, Node, and DevOps.

Ascential faced a significant challenge: seamlessly integrating various chart types into their report editor tool.

Users relied heavily on these reports, requiring editors to incorporate diverse charts that enhanced the narrative and provided a clear visualization of future trends. The integration of new chart types posed a daunting task, one that demanded both precision and efficiency.

Vanguard-X developed a scalable API for Ascential’s Data team using the Nest.JS framework. This API allows for the efficient management of diverse charts, facilitating the seamless integration of new chart types.

A data visualization tool was added to the report editor, making it load much faster. Automating the charting process streamlined workflows and boosted productivity.

The results were nothing short of transformative. The new system saved data analysts 3-4 hours per report, amounting to a full week’s worth of productivity each month. The ability to instantly create 1000 charts led to significant recognition for the project’s lead developer, who was awarded the Star of the Month.

The successful launch of TC+ highlighted the impact of automated charting, reducing time, workforce, and system involvement while significantly boosting workflow efficiency and overall satisfaction.

Crowded: Revolutionizing Digital Banking

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Crowded is a US fintech company offering a digital banking app for nonprofit groups.

Their platform simplifies group financial transactions, offering tools for officer handovers, expense management, payment and donation collection, and fundraising. To enhance their platform, Crowded partnered with Vanguard-X for IT staff augmentation, applying React JS and Node JS technologies.

Crowded faced the challenge of smoothly integrating third-party financial services.

Additionally, they needed to introduce precise member tagging to bolster community building and streamline payments through their “collects” feature. These challenges required innovative solutions that ensured both convenience and security for their users.

Through meticulous planning and collaboration, Vanguard-X crafted a robust platform for Crowded. This platform addressed the unique needs of university groups, providing stability and scalability for their expanding user base.

Continuous improvement was a priority, with customer feedback driving enhancements and ensuring the platform remained ahead of the curve.

Crowded’s customers responded positively to the new platform, praising its stability and functionality. The integration of third-party services was smooth and secure, enhancing user experience.

By addressing customer needs and implementing innovative solutions, Crowded established itself as a reliable and forward-thinking fintech solution.

Qumodity: Streamlining Insurance Operations

Successful companies that outsourced development

Qumodity, an insurance company in the US, offers comprehensive CSP services, providing secure and compliant Azure cloud solutions tailored to businesses of all sizes.

To optimize their operations, Qumodity engaged Vanguard-X for IT staff augmentation, employing .NET Core 6, Azure Functions, Application Insights, Azure Storage, MSGraph, and PowerApps technologies.

Qumodity faced a multifaceted challenge: redesigning their Azure resources, integrating HR systems, and managing consultants efficiently. This complex task required strategic planning and innovative solutions to streamline operations and enhance security.

Vanguard-X implemented a consultant management system for Qumodity, automating onboarding, modification, and offboarding processes.

The Azure-based solution ensured efficiency and continuous improvement. Security measures were redesigned and strengthened, safeguarding Qumodity’s infrastructure. User management was automated and integrated with HR systems, optimizing resource utilization.

The impact was significant. Efficiency and security improved through streamlined processes and enhanced protocols.

Workflows were optimized, reducing manual efforts and bottlenecks, resulting in faster turnaround times and increased productivity. Qumodity’s fortified infrastructure ensured data security, providing peace of mind to both the organization and its clients.

Learnin: Enhancing Educational Platforms

Successful Companies That Outsourced Development

Learnin, an education company in the US, helps businesses establish talent academies to build a continuously skilled workforce.

Their core features include a tuition benefits manager, prepaid learning stipend card, program marketplace, and custom program builder. To support their mission, Learnin partnered with Vanguard-X for IT staff augmentation, leveraging .NET and React.js technologies.

LearnIn’s product offers a wide range of options, requiring a deep understanding for successful implementation. Effective communication and team collaboration were crucial to ensure all necessary modifications were accurately captured and implemented.

Vanguard-X established a collaborative development team with Learnin, fostering efficient communication and knowledge sharing.

Together, they analyzed use cases, documented required changes, and executed tasks related to adding new functionalities and bug fixes. This approach streamlined the development process and delivered comprehensive solutions to meet project requirements.

The collaboration resulted in a robust application that met LearnIn’s requirements, improving efficiency with faster response times and fewer errors. Security measures were enhanced to protect sensitive data, providing a stronger, more efficient, and secure application.

The successful partnership between LearnIn and Vanguard-X demonstrated the power of IT staff augmentation in driving educational innovation.

Conclusion: Embracing the Future with IT Staff Augmentation and Outsourcing

These case studies highlight the transformative impact of outsourcing development through IT staff augmentation. Companies like Ascential, Crowded, Qumodity, and Learnin have overcome significant challenges and driven innovation and efficiency by leveraging expertise.

The benefits of outsourcing development are clear:

  • Increased productivity
  • Enhanced security
  • Streamlined operations
  • Satisfied customers

If your business is looking to scale its technical capabilities and achieve similar success, consider partnering with Vanguard-X for expert IT staff augmentation services.

Contact Vanguard-X for expert IT staff augmentation services, and other services, like:

Explore more case studies and client testimonials on Vanguard-X’s website.


What are the key steps to successfully outsource software development?

Successfully outsourcing software development involves several key steps. First, clearly defining your goals and requirements is crucial, as well as outlining what you want to achieve, including the project scope, timeline, and specific deliverables.

Next, selecting the right partner is essential; this means choosing a reliable outsourcing partner with a proven track record, relevant expertise, and positive client reviews. Establishing clear communication channels is another vital step.

Set up regular meetings and use effective project management tools to provide seamless communication. Setting milestones and deadlines helps break down the project into manageable parts, allowing you to track progress effectively.

Focusing on quality assurance by implementing rigorous testing processes guarantees the final product meets your standards. Maintaining flexibility is important; being open to adjustments and changes as the project evolves helps address any unforeseen challenges.

How can a company choose the right outsourcing partner?

Choosing the right outsourcing partner is crucial for the success of your project. Start by researching potential partners and seeking recommendations from your network. Make sure the partner has experience in your industry and expertise in the required technologies.

Reviewing portfolios and case studies allows you to assess their capabilities and previous successes.

Evaluating communication skills is important, as effective communication is key to any successful partnership; choose a responsive partner who communicates clearly. Additionally, consider cultural fit to make sure the partner’s work culture aligns with your company’s values and practices.

Asking for references and speaking to past clients helps you understand their experiences and satisfaction levels.

What are the common challenges in outsourcing software development, and how can they be mitigated?

Outsourcing software development can present several challenges, including communication barriers, quality concerns, intellectual property (IP) risks, project delays, cultural differences, and cost overruns.

Communication barriers, such as language and time zone differences, can be mitigated by establishing clear communication protocols and using collaborative tools. Quality concerns can be addressed by ensuring rigorous quality assurance processes and regular reviews. To protect your IP, include confidentiality clauses and IP rights in the contract.

Project delays can occur due to various reasons, but setting realistic timelines, monitoring progress regularly, and being prepared for contingencies can help mitigate them.

Cultural differences can affect collaboration, so promoting mutual understanding and respect for cultural differences is important.

Cost overruns can be managed by having a detailed agreement and closely tracking expenses.

How can a company guarantee outsourced software quality?

Protecting the quality of outsourced software involves several strategies. First, clearly outline your quality expectations and standards from the beginning. Implement continuous testing throughout the development process to catch issues early.

Conduct regular code reviews to ensure adherence to coding standards and best practices. Using automated testing tools guarantees consistent and efficient testing.

Involving end-users in the testing process through User Acceptance Testing (UAT) validates the software against real-world scenarios. Establishing mechanisms for feedback and continuous improvement promptly addresses any quality concerns.

What are the benefits of IT staff augmentation compared to traditional outsourcing models?

IT staff augmentation offers several advantages over traditional outsourcing models. It provides greater flexibility, allowing you to scale your team up or down based on project needs. You have more control over the project, managing the augmented staff directly and providing alignment with your processes.

It can be more cost-effective as you avoid long-term commitments and only pay for the resources you need.

Additionally, you gain access to specialized skills and expertise without the need to hire full-time employees. The onboarding process for augmented staff is faster, speeding up the development process.

Finally, it helps mitigate risks associated with project delays and quality issues by maintaining direct oversight and involvement.

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